The 2018 Winter Fancy Food Show

The Winter Fancy Food Show

Written By Jennifer Duty

pacific flake sea salt harvestry is fresh off the exciting The Winter Fancy Food Show 2018 in San Francisco sponsored by Specialty Food Association. 

It was amazing. We learned so much. The feedback on sea salt harvestry was positive. More and more people and companies are becoming aware of the power of food for health.


food guru sea saltI would like to thank for the interview and all the support during the show and for sharing our beautiful flake salt with your friends and for bringing them to the booth all three days. Thank you for your belief in Pacific, too. We always love to talk health and food. 


vegtv sea saltWe met another wonderful woman with She too came to interview Bryon. A kind and passionate ball of energy. Thank you for your time and support.

We were also fortunate to meet other salt makers from around the world. We were very busy and had little to no time to leave the booth, but they made it a point to come by and say hello. I am so happy they did. 


We met a lovely woman from the Hawaiian Island of Kauai. She makes a solar salt. She invited us for a visit. That would be nice, but next time I go to Hawaii, I am not coming back. 


We also met a man from Spain. His family has been in the salt business for over 70 years. He told me, in his best English, how the salt runs through ponds and rivers. He also has a solar operation. He was from the Basque region.


He had wanted to come over and meet the maker of "The Pacific Flake". It wasn’t until he left that I realized that "Pacific Flake" is not only our name but also how the rest of the world describes our salt. Nice! Our salt is unique because of the fire evaporation and the shape of the flake. It was special to meet him. We had a great mutual respect for each other.


The Fancy Food Show was wonderful and I am pretty sure we will be exhibitors again next year. 


We were not allowed to take photos of other booths at the show. Press only. You could only take pictures of your booth. So I only have a few photos to share. Enjoy.

Jan 26, 2018

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