What's on the Picnic Table at Pacific Flake Camp Salmon & Camp Vegetables

Camp Salmon & Camp Vegetables

Written by Jennifer Duty

July 27, 2018

After a relapse, I have a renewed commitment to my health. I had not been taking very good care of myself. It caught up with me. With my autoimmune disease, something happens called swings. I have not had one in a very long time, but when it happened a few weeks back, it nearly knocked me out. Pain, exhaustion and a deep regret for my sickness. Not good things, which lead to eating non-nutrient dense foods. That then triggered my addiction to sugar. My drug of choice when down and out. All of that lead to about 30 days of misery.

July is a celebration month. July 4th. Anniversary, and Stacy’s birthday. July had also started off very frustrating. My recovery was slow, mostly because I was not helping myself with my food choices. We had some major trips that were planned since November of 2017 and I needed to get going. We spent a week camping to celebrate our Anniversary. 30 years. Three nights in Nevada City learning some amazing California history with my brother. Things I would have never done without him. My brother and sister-in-law open my eyes to old new things. This how I grew up. Surrounded by the history and beauty of my state, California.


While it was too hot to cook with temperatures in the high 90’s and our campsites were in full sun most of the afternoon, lead us to try out local dining options. We had a great meal at a local brewery the first night. That brewery happened to be next to a wonderful health food store with a restaurant. I was overjoyed. We spent the few meals eating there and getting to know the staff. I long for a health food store just like that close to my home. Small, simple, but had so much to offer. The juice bar was amazing. I started to feel renewed. From Nevada City, we packed up and headed to Truckee.

You've got to love Truckee, CA. I could live here. It's such a great town.

We dry camped in the most beautiful spot next to the river. I had never stayed there before and did not know what to expect. My brother looked it up on google and the river was dry. It also looked like it was right on the highway. I was nervous, but we were committed. It turned out to be fantastic. The river was rushing and road noise was not bad during the day and non-existent at night. It was also a bit cooler, that meant cooking was an option again. Which was great because the town was crowded and good food options meant long lines.

We spent the morning at nearby State Parks taking tours and learning stuff. In the afternoon we would go to the river. It was a retreat from the heat and the crowds.

Everyone was elsewhere. We had the river to ourselves. It was the best. My brother loved it. We will plan to come back again. In the evening we would BBQ and finish off the day with S’Mors. It was pretty nice. I could have stayed, but the trailer was out of fresh water and needed to be dumped. Besides, there were more places to go.


We were home for only a few days and then it was off to Monterey, CA. Pebble Beach. Golf Mecca. Stacy’s 50th Birthday. It is here in Monterey I realize I had let the joy of cooking slip away. Stacy and his friend Clark had left at the crack of dawn for golf, so I was alone to listen to the seagulls and relax. A person can only do that for so long. I turned on the cooking channel. Beautiful, happy people were cooking simple, delicious meals. I became excited and started writing down recipes, modified for my needs. 

Something else happened. I realized I had become burnt out. I had become so focused on the disease the joy had slipped away. I had become angry with food and the process. 


It can be difficult when you lose your joy. Recovery is different for everyone. 

With more trips to come, I need to not be so hard on myself and realize that nutritious food isn't that hard to find. It doesn’t have to be difficult. Bryon and I will plan meals for the upcoming camping trip to the Redwoods. Dan will take a break and Bryon will cook some amazing stuff. Stay tuned.


Camp Salmon 

1 Large wild caught salmon filet or several small ones. They can be fresh or frozen.

Pacific Flake Sea Salt

Organic Butter and/or olive oil

Foil and parchment paper

This recipe is really easy. 

Pick a piece of salmon you like.

Place the parchment paper on top of the foil, then place the salmon, skin down, on the parchment paper and foil. If you do not have parchment paper that is fine. Just use the foil. 

Rub the salmon with a little olive oil and dab with butter. Pacific Flake to taste. No need to go too crazy. The envelope will steam the salmon nicely. 

Fold the parchment paper and the foil to make a nice little envelope.

Place on the grill or in the oven. Cook at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes. Temperatures and times will vary on the grill. Make sure the fish is at least 145 degrees inside using a meat thermometer.

I like mine more on the well done. Any piece of fish can be cooked this way. Lemon slices can be added for more flavor. 

Camp Vegetables

Using the same method of the parchment paper and foil envelope we are going to cook some vegetables. Easy. Pick up some vegetables you like. It is important to get the vegetables you like, so you will eat them.

2 or 3 Medium size zucchini

2 or 3 Yellow squash

1 Red onion

Organic butter and/or olive oil

Pacific Flake Sea Salt 

Cut the ends off the zucchini and the yellow squash and discard. Then chop the zucchini and yellow squash into nice bite-size pieces.

Cut the ends off the onion, peel the onion and discard. Cut the onion. Slice it or dice it. A little onion or a lot?

Get your parchment paper and foil. Place your vegetables on the parchment paper and foil. 

Top with a few dabs of butter and/or olive oil. A little or a lot? 

Finish with Pacific Flake.

Fold the parchment paper and foil to make an envelope.

Place on the grill or in the oven. Cook at 400 degrees for about 20 to 30 minutes.

The great thing about cooking in foil envelopes is easy to clean up. You can also make individual foil envelopes for everyone or you can make one big envelope. You can cook almost anything using this method. Also, if you do not want to use butter or oil, just add a tablespoon of water to the foil envelope. It will steam up nicely.   

Happy Trails

AUG 01, 2018

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