What’s Happening at Pacific Flake Memorial Day Weekend

By Jennifer Duty

Memorial Day Weekend, Opening Day of Summer. For some it means an extra day off, for some, it is the first big BBQ of the year, and for some, it is a sad day.

Holidays mean something different for everyone. In our house holidays are very casual and sometimes not acknowledged hardly at all. We try to live our lives very present remembering people are the most important and every day they should be treated and acknowledged as such.

That being said my brother, my sister-in-law, my husband, Bryon, and myself will be spending Memorial Day Weekend at a local craft fair selling Pacific Flake. It is much more the than a craft fair. It is a two-day event raising money for local charities and family fun. My brother is a beekeeper and my sister-in-law is truly one of the most creative persons I have ever met. They will be selling their amazing honey and soaps among other things. We educate people about health and explain where honey and salt come from. 

Did I mention there is camping?

The best part. We get the RVs out we dust them off, clean them up and boondock next to Clearlake. A true reminder we live in a beautiful place and should not take it for granted. Bryon will be cooking. My brother takes the weekend off. Bryon will let his skills shine. I act as backup and support. I also do all the prep and planning. Organic produce and grass-fed meat and will be on the menu. Everything will be cooked outdoors, which seems to make everything taste better. After living in San Diego for 15 years I realize how much of a privilege it was to cook and eat outdoors year round. 

It will be a great time. A little work and mostly quality downtime with amazing people that make me laugh, feed my soul, and just make me feel good.

Have a great weekend.

Show some gratitude.

Give back to your community and most importantly live in happiness.

MAY 22, 2018

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